Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Welcome To A New Year......


It's a whole new year ahead of us and I'm so excited for the upcoming posts that will be coming ahead for this year 2013. I can't believe 2012 flew right by us. Time does seem to fly by, which sadly means one more year older for me ( that sucks) But anyway I wanted to mention a little bit about the posts I'll be posting. There will be a series of video posts as well as a new series of

  "Girl Crush Of The Moment"

Also a list of 

"Top Ten Books You Should Read"

I'll also be inviting any writer/blogger to guest blog on my blog. 
So anyone interested should email me with what follows:

1) Name

2) A Link to your blog
3) A quick summary on why you are interested in guest blogging

Yeah so many ideas but so little time to get this all done. But I know that if I stick to it, it will happen
I'm also interested in guest blogging for others. Just sent me a quick email. As for now check out these  photos below:

what is this from?