Friday, November 9, 2012

Weekend Inspiration

So like always here are some photos to look at throughout the weekend. Maybe you can start a story based on what's happening in the photo....





Let me know what stories you come up with if you want to share them out. I would be more then happy to read them. Enjoy!


The Perks of An Awesome Book

I remember the first time I picked the book up "The Perks of being A Wallflower" by Stephen Chbosky. It was a book I knew I will fall in love with. And that the characters will be people I wish I was friends with. I won't be spoiling the details of the book here. But one thing I will say is it's a book that everyone must read. So I suggest you go to your local bookstore or library and start reading. It made me tear and most likely it will make you tear as well. It's one of those stories in where most of us can relate too.

Also I'm dying to see the movie in where my girl crush Emma Watson plays Sam. So I'm really excited to see it.

Get Inspire With Masha Mel


Masha Mel photography has inspire me. Seriously it makes you want to become a photographer yourself after seeing these pictures. The one thing I love about her photography is how she captures that moment. A moment I believe in, where you get to really see the character in the picture. It's like a story, but this time is through pictures.


Tuesday, October 16, 2012


 I remember reading Tavi Gevinson's blog the very first time 2 years ago. I sometimes wonder to myself ( and maybe you think of it as well)   

WOW!!  Time has fly by..... 


Tavi has not only improve her blog but has also expanded herself and has cross other fields that doesn't really include fashion as much. When she decided to create the ultimate best thing ever invented (seriously it really is the best)


Is an online magazine in where Tavi and many other talented writers as well have contributed to writing some awesome articles about life,growing up and just having fun. Which includes cool playlists created by the staff of ROOKIE MAG every Friday ( I can't wait to hear which playlist they create this Friday). And invite us the readers/fans to contribute and send in our pieces. Link Below to sent your stuff

So I would encourage everyone to go sent in your awesome pieces as writers. Or if you have never heard of ROOKIE MAG ( which seriously who hasn't heard about??) should go check it out as well. Trust me you will LOVE IT!!

I myself am currently writing a piece for ROOKIE MAG which I plan to sent as well. So go check it out!! I posted the link to the site.

I also wanted to share with everyone the awesome event I attended which took place here in New York at the best most awesome bookstore ever McNally Jackson 

I was excited to read on Tavi Editor's Letter that Rookie will be holding a reading and Yearbook signing on September 9. I as many Rookie FANS all attended this special event in where we will have the opportunity to see and hear many of the writers read to us from this wonderful book  


So you may be wondering what happen in the event and how was it??
Luckily below is my own video where I got the chance to film some of the readings that took place. And you get to see how awesome the event was. So check it out and feel free to leave a comment as well :


Stay tune for the continuation.........

 2nd Part will be posted soon......


A Bookworm Alert!!

When I decided to start my own blog I wanted it to be somewhat different. So I started thinking..... and thinking.... Till I finally decided on what my ultimate goal would be. I enjoy reading and the word "BOOKWORM" just stood out to me. And so I decided to use that word into the name I later chose for my blog.

I want this blog to be an inspiration and so I decided to post three times a day starting today.
In the upcoming weeks I will be featuring more inspiration photos for your reading, cool stuff for you to do and feature a blogger who's blog I admire.

There is still much more and I welcome anyone to share there ideas with me or anything cool you have to say on books, photography, or maybe some artworks or doodles etc.


For the moment enjoy the photos below and happy reading!!!!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Peter Pan Collars Part 2

So it's been awhile I haven't posted. So lets get back to where we ended.

Peter Pan Collars...

what can I say about that?? Peter Pan Collars is something not only I personally love but that everyone in some way has also fallen in love with these Peter Pan collars. So I decided to post another one of my favorite videos, and some inspiration photos for you to look at.

If anyone wants to share on how they make there own Peter Pan Collars you are more then welcome to email me. Stay tune for more later  this afternoon!     

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Peter Pan Collars

So I been trying to create my own mix on 8tracks for Sundays which I decided to title "SUNDAY TUNES". But for some reason I can't seem to and I'm having a hard time even listening to other mixes on the site. Sometimes technology can be so annoying!!! If anyone feels like maybe explaining it to me on how to use it and upload my music. It would be appreciated.

Now that I have to come up with another plan (since I couldn't post what I had in mind) I decided to post about what I'm currently really obsessed with.

Collars......... Peter Pan Collars...... 

They are everywhere. Whether online, such as in Etsy or in your nearby mall. Or maybe you make them yourself. Wherever you get them they sure make the final touch on your outfit. Below are some inspirational photos on collars and if you are curious or bored today, why not create a collar yourself??

Feel free to send pictures of any of your favorite peter pan collars, and why you love it so much by emailing me at


Friday, September 7, 2012

Get Inspire To Read.....

 Here are some art pieces I hope it inspires you to read in class this weekend. Enjoy!


The BookWorm
 Books and more books. I was only four years old the day I was given my first book as a gift. The title of the book is called "The Snowy Day"by Ezra Jack Keats. And till this day I still have it. It's the book   I made my father read to me every day. Even thought he must of been tired of reading it to me. The book I would doodle in and use my crayons and color all over it. Yes I know that is not a good way to treat a book, but I was four at the time. And to me that book was my friend. 

When I was thinking of a name to call my blog. The only thing that really pop out of my mind was the word "BOOKWORM".

The idea for this blog is to have a place to show my love for books. As well as to have a place to show my creativity and the many awesome treasures I find along the way. Art is also another topic I enjoy. As well as a little bit of everything. From events, music to photography. So stay tune for more posts.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Beginning of a Chapter

Writing has always been my escape ever since I can remember. So you might wonder why it took me so long to start my own blog. I guess you can say I was a little nervous in starting one. For starters it really takes allot of guts and dedication. But you know what I'm up for the challenge. I really want this to work . Being a writer has always been a dream of mine. But why wait to get publish when you can just start a blog of your own??

Well here I am another blogger in the blogging community. The good thing about blogging is there is always space for another talented writer ( kidding I'm not that talented). So here goes, I'm about to press the one button we all face when we finish our post.....